1. Experience the convenience of local store-to-door delivery, with George's Drop bringing your essentials to you in as little as 30 minutes!

1% Loyalty Scheme

Unlock exclusive rewards with George's Drop Loyalty Scheme! Earn 1% back on every purchase and watch your savings grow. As a valued customer, your loyalty deserves to be rewarded. Join now and start enjoying the benefits!

In-Store Pricing

Unlock the advantages of George's Drop in-store pricing. Experience cost savings, transparency, great value for money, trustworthy shopping, convenience, and customer satisfaction. Elevate your grocery shopping today!

Rapid Service

From milk, eggs, and bread to fresh food, snacks, treats, and a wide selection of beverages, George's Drop has all your daily essentials. With just a few taps, everything you need is delivered to your home in a snap. Convenience at your fingertips!